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Photoshoot: Layne Kennedy

A year or two ago, Layne Kennedy asked if I would pose for one of his photography classes through North House Folk School. It was a lot of fun, so even though this second session was slated for 5:00a.m. (a.m.!!) IN Elbow Lake, I said yes.

He sent some images to show what he was going for: early light means no shadows, and potentially glassy water gives magical reflections:

I rummaged through my costume bunker (well, it's a very unique, Cook County basement), and tried out some options. He was looking for pale colors to contrast the dark water.

I hauled the options along, added knee-high merino socks, smartwool long johns, and crocs to ward off both chills and potential leeches, and walked into the lake.

Slow spins so the students could experiment with slow shutter speed and movement.
Photoshop magic, and a stimulating conversation

Wrapping it up at 6:30a.m. with a quick iPhone shot by Layne


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