Band practice in the garage. For real.
(Yeah, it was the second floor office space above the garage, but still. Classic, legit, just right.)
We played some Hal Ketchum and A-ha and David Lee Murphy. We tried out some harmonies. We imagined where the cello would add the perfect moody layer and what part the bass player would really have fun with. Not surprisingly, given our personalities, we started stocking up on snippets and bits of banter for when we hit the bar (or the harbor, or, hey, a wedding where people really like 90’s country crossed with indie folk and Scandi-pop).
Just as remarkable, and maybe more notable, is that we didn’t get weird. We didn’t get self-conscious, not enough to even speak of, anyway. We didn’t do any of it perfectly, but we did it, and we found some cool stuff, some fun moments. It felt easy and creative and pretty natural for two people who’ve only had office banter up till now.
Someone told me that a couple days ago (when the band became a Band) that astrologically it was the super Leo portal– or something like that. A new moon amplifying and reflecting and calling forth creativity.
And here we are: officially declared into existence on Sunday afternoon, and having our first rehearsal on Tuesday night. I’d like to tie a bow on this story with a snappy quote from one of the songs we played tonight, but our repetoire just isn’t that big yet. But given the trajectory thus far, I bet it won’t be long at all.